
古墓丽影10崛起服装如何获取 古墓丽影崛起全服装图文攻略

2017-12-27 16:50:55| 来源: 本站原创| 小编:大胖| 人看过| 已有[0]人评论 我要评论






英文介绍:Ushanka Outfit: “The Ushanka outfit reduces Lara’s damage from melee attacks and, with the Voidhammer shotgun, poses a deadly combination in Cold Darkness Awakened. Lara dons a Russian Spetsnaz camouflage coat with a patch emblazoned on the left arm. The jacket is worn asymmetrically so the right side wraps over left for added warmth. A fur collar and lining on the jacket and a red linen scarf provide extra insulation. Black military heavy cotton cargo pants, leather winter gloves, and Russian army combat boots are worn on her lower half. Slung across her hips, a black leather ammo belt, holster, and pouch store survival gear. Her hair tucks into a Russian mink fur Ushanka, with ear flaps tied up to help her listen for oncoming threats. The Voidhammer is a modified break-action shotgun customized with a shortened muzzle break and wood stock for added damage, aiming and stability. Worn brown leather wraps around for improved grip, while a brass plate gives added detail on the trigger and hammer mechanisms.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director



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